Blog 24/52: Stress to Zen1 min read

Blog 24/52 – Stress to Zen

Find a relatively quiet corner of the room, facing the window. Close your eyes for ten to fifteen minutes and try and listen, making a mental note of what you hear. The children playing, background music or news playing from your TV, car horns, birds chirping, dog barking… Listen carefully. Now focus on the inner voice. Your mind telling you this is a waste of time, you have that client call coming up, you hate his voice, what is your lunch going to be but you hate that vegetable, let me check my WhatsApp message, has it been ten minutes already…. Let the noises and voices go past you, as you watch it like a movie. Be the observer.Soon your mind will train to quieten down, maybe not today, but with practice. You are creating that path to your brains to choose and move from Stress to Zen.

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