How Does Self-Talk Help During Pregnancy?3 min read

In recent years we have seen a rise in more knowledge sharing on the need for positive affirmations. Manifesting positive thoughts can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat these positive thoughts, you start believing in them and make changes to achieve them. Simply put, manifesting brings similar results as that of daily exercises to your physical health. 

Why is manifestation important during your pregnancy you may ask? With so many physical and emotional changes that you are going through, positive affirmations help to ease anxiety and fear, because our thoughts and emotions affect our unborn babies and impact their development. Manifesting positive thoughts will make you and your baby thrive throughout this transition phase. Just like you need to exercise to keep your body strong and healthy, you need to train your mind to have the birth you desire.

This blog will help cover the importance of positive affirmations and self-talk during your pregnancy. 

Traditionally when I was pregnant my grandma told me to ‘listen to bhajans, don’t go out after sundown, be happy, eat well’. This was her way to tell me to maintain a happy and positive environment. 

Continuous growth 

Remaining physically active is well recognized as being an important part of your pregnancy, and you can exercise as advised by your gyne. As your baby is developing physically, there is also mental development happening simultaneously inside your womb. The child is learning its first lessons on survival instincts from its primary source – his/her parents. If you are happy, you give that happy energy to the baby developing in your tummy, and it is more likely that your baby is born a calm and happy baby. If you are anxious, have fear, you also give that negative energy to the baby and you are more likely to have a cranky baby. 

Keep your anxieties and worries at bay

As humans, we have developed a tendency to be attracted to negative thoughts more than positive ones, even though both are floating around us. We often miss paying equal attention to our smaller blessings and wins which we take for granted. So all I am saying is to let the negative thoughts, fears and anxiety be. Don’t swipe them under the carpet. Instead focus more of your attention on what you still have around you that is good, that works for you. For example, you are blessed to be pregnant, you have access to good nutrition, a family to be with you perhaps, to medical attention. Such self-talk will help you to remain more often in a positive zone, where you can offer a happy environment of growth to your baby. Positive affirmations like I am happy, I am strong and capable of handling my pregnancy, I am going to have a happy, healthy baby gives you the confidence even if it is your first pregnancy, and you pass this confidence to your child in the womb. 

Positive Information and Communications

Positive affirmations are a way of communication with the baby. Another way for you to communicate is for you and your husband to talk to the baby as often as possible. Avoid fights or being unhappy and anxious. And both of you read all you can about pregnancy, childbirth and child development articles, so you are as prepared with as much knowledge as possible. You can find personal examples of affirmations here.

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