Blog 31/52: Marriage is like a Dance1 min read

Blog 31/52:

Marriage is like a Dance.

A couple’s relationship in a marriage can be compared to the dance Tango. Tango is a partner dance exhibiting passion, grace, romance, power and vulnerability. In life if you want to tango, be ready to navigate with flexibility, to learn when to step back, when to move forward, to learn to move in sync as one. You do not need to like the same food or share the same idea of a holiday. One of you can be laid back and chilled while the other partner has a focused and aggressive approach to life.

Once you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you get to learn another perspective, expand your thoughts, your ideas and expand how you do things and how you feel. As long as both of you have common goals in a relationship, and support each other’s personal growth without feeling intimidated or insecure, cheer the other’s success and be there for them in failure, encouraging them. This is a great way to grow, balancing one’s weakness with the other’s strength. You learn to appreciate the other person, offer a calm presence to your partner when needed, be flexible while not necessarily agreeing on everything, allowing you to feel complete and enjoy the relationship.

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