Blog 34/52: When Do You Walk Out1 min read

When do you Walk out of a Relationship..In a marriage relationship, like any other relationship, it is good to define your boundaries from the start. Like some things are a big NO NO. Any form of repeated physical abuse, even if followed by a sorry every time is a NO NO. Any form of emotional abuse is more harmful than physical abuse. Be it bullying or temper tantrums or repeated derogatory remarks with the intention of putting you down, where you begin to doubt your own capability and self-worth is a big NO NO. Once this abusive behavior becomes a pattern, over time the abuser may not even be aware of this pattern as much as the recipient who may tend to accept it. The aggressor is often weak and the abuse give them a false sense of power. They may often need help to come out of this pattern. You saying NO is the first best step. Seek professional help. If the abusive partner is not willing to take this matter seriously and unwilling to take consistent action, then walking out of the relationship, however difficult it may be, will help getting your dignity and confidence back.

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