Working in the family business while nurturing my family consisting of a high-energy and over-achieving husband and two enthusiastic children (now young adults), while nurturing my own strong ambitions, was not an easy task.
It took a toll on my self-esteem and physically drained me. Soon, I noticed I was more susceptible to colds and flu and my immune system was slowly shutting down. The “me” part was getting lost and I couldn’t seem to find the right balancing formula. The moment I focused on my needs, it came at a cost that I was not prepared to trade. I devoted my energy to my family first at the cost of my self-esteem. However, I used to lose my cool quickly, was irritable, and couldn’t enjoy  the “together” family time, which soon turned into a battlefield of arguments. I lost my health and lacked energy and zest in life.

One day, my daughter upon returning from her primary school showed me her assignment for the day: an essay on My Mother. I cannot forget that day. The essay read – my mother eats and sleeps. I almost jumped out of my chair, not knowing whether I should laugh or cry.

That was my “AHA” moment!

I realized I need not be “perfect” and it is ok to ask for help. It shifted my life from a resentful burdened Geeta who was stuck in her own perceptions, to an open, enthusiastic Geeta who was ready to face what life threw at her. I was not afraid to try new things and learn from my failures. I became more mindful, calm, and in control of my personal and professional life. I changed from being a bag full of stress to a happy, confident person.

“After years and years of struggling to be the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the best in my office, and the best daughter, I had lost myself.”

It took me 50 years to achieve my dreams and be in peace and harmony with myself and the people around me. I persistently followed my dreams. My “I am not perfect” mantra allowed me to get more and more from life. It gave me an opportunity to change efficiently and effectively into a happier person. Now, as I see my daughter and daughter-in-law stepping into this chaotic world, I am emotionally invested in this cause and believe you don’t have to be older to be wiser.

You can achieve this amazing transformation and unleash your potential with clarity and enthusiasm, while juggling your life in perfect balance and harmony.

I have a Bachelor of Science, a Diploma in Human Resources and have completed my coach training program with over two decades of experience in dealing with people. I use my science background and add a lot of science-based research into the art of helping people cope with change.  I have many hours of one-on-one coaching and change management workshops. I have recently culminated this knowledge by authoring my book, The Game of Change.

We are all slaves of habit. After years of subconsciously practicing some habits, they become transparent to us. Many of these habits are no longer useful to us, but we still do things the same way out of habit expecting a different result. I find fear the biggest deterrent to change. I focus on helping people introspect and try out different things; if they don’t work, we find another way until something clicks. I help people reconnect with their feeling and intuitive selves in balance with their rational thinking side.

“I find that people are easily able to share information with me and relate to me, since I have gone through the grind myself.”
I firmly believe in practicing what I preach. I let my clients find their own path and only partner with them as their catalyst. The more I interact with my clients, not only do they have great takeaways and AHA moments, but I also equally benefit by understanding that there is so much more to learn in life. It is a very humbling experience and allows me to stay grounded and present for all my clients. Many of my clients have changed their jobs, their ways of life, and are in a much happier space. A comment from a client that intrigued me was when he asked me if I was hypnotizing him, as he couldn’t believe the change in him and how easy it was from him to achieve it.


I am on a mission to empower 10,000 people to win the game of change by providing the tools to lead a stress-free and meaningful life, in joy and peace.

I would love to offer you a complimentary coaching call - the first one is on me, because I am sure it will not be our last!



"Geeta’s life lessons have indeed brought much inspiration to me, challenging me to break free from my attitudinal limitations and to believing in greater heights. Her coaching abilities are par excellence and I am grateful for having met her."


Founder: ZenQua, Dubai, an aquascape designer who re-aligns nature with your inner soul


"I felt an instant connection to Geeta, not only was she able to guide with love and compassion, she had the instinct to nurture and push the boundaries where required. I will always be grateful to Geeta for helping me to become the best version of me."


Co-Founder: Home Grown Children’s Eco Nursery, Dubai & Founder: Harmony House India, a charitable organization


"I met Geeta at a time that I needed her the most, having taken a sabbatical from work, she helped me prioritize what was important to me and guided me to focus on my hidden strengths. Geeta helped me look at a life differently."


HR Professional, Dubai


"Have had the occasion to interact with Geeta on her recent endeavor to counsel and assist women in leadership positions to face the somewhat unique challenges they face for being a woman: to be taken as seriously as her male counterparts, to be able to juggle and discharge multiple roles effortlessly, to be able to deal with guilt for ignoring some "natural" roles sometimes. Found her insights very enlightening and her methods very helpful. I wish her all the very best in all her ventures."


Former IRS officer, Founder: CMC Skills Pvt. Ltd. and Clear Maze Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India, focused on skill development for the underprivileged


"I met Geeta through work. We chatted and she told me about ontological coaching. I had a plethora of things ‘jumbled’ in my head at that time and decided to give it a try! I had a number of sessions and thought at first was unsure, I then looked forward to them and almost seamlessly my jumbled mind calmed. I was also given a breathing/relaxation exercise which I still do first thing in the morning and I just seem to be more in control… Thank you Geeta."


BDS MSc Prosthodontist, Dubai


"Working with Geeta has been an absolute pleasure. What I most admire in her is an unwavering and courageous commitment to her own personal growth and development. She is definitely a seeker, bringing her warmth, lightness and curiosity along, in her quest to expand herself, gain greater wisdom, and make a positive and meaningful contribution to others and the world."


PCC, somatic coach — embodied learning for leaders and coaches, Chile




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