Blog 7/52 : Language is Generative.1 min read

Blog 7/52 : Language is Generative.

Language is generative. It generates a reaction in the other person based on their understanding of the words we use, the tone with which we deliver the words, along with the body language while using them. This context makes it all the more important to choose our words wisely.

For example I can say with a nasty tone and making that scrunched up face, ‘Why did I wear this tie today’? Or I can say with a smile, ‘You know what, this tie goes well with my pink shirt’… Which do you think is more acceptable way of communication, making the other person more open to your suggestion? If you want to connect with people, building trust is an important aspect.

You can have a different perspective and still agree to disagree, debate instead of argue and still make the other person feel heard. Listening is another important skill that helps. What does active listening mean? Giving your full attention, waiting for the other person to complete their sentence and not jumping to judge. The process of cleverly choosing the words along with and good listening skills becomes important tools to connect, to build trust, to by open, to be flexible and together creative new possibilities.

‘Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything’. George Bernard Shaw


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