Blog 8/52 : The Power of Breathing1 min read

The Power of BREATHING

Christina Zelano, a neurologist conducted experiments in breathing which confirmed that breathing stimulates areas in our brain connected to smell, memory, learning, emotion and behavior. For example, when we are stressed, our breath is shallow and we breath fast. This process actually helps us block our emotion, and helps us react instantaneously to the stress, without a thought. This is a protective mechanism of our brain. But we have made being in stress a way of life, a habit that seems normal and acceptable. We react more than act, often without analyzing the situation, leading to rash reactions which we often regret after. Here we are in a shallow breathing’ mode.

Conscious deep slow breathing mode on the other hand, makes us alert, helps strengthen our memory and learning ability , opening us to an accepting and learning brain. It helps us connect emotionally to people, and this ability to connect to others is where growth mindset takes place.

Deep slow breathing also makes our body more alkaline whereas stress makes our body more acidic. An alkaline body helps reversal of anti- inflammatory life-style diseases like Diabetes, Cardiac Disease, Alzheimer’s and Obesity, to state a few.

#selfhealing #breathing #powerofbreathing #selfhelp #breakingfree

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