There is a huge increase in domestic sexual abuse .. and with no where to go. Courts, lawyers, social workers, police are sometimes either not working or out of reach during this pandemic. And people often find it difficuilt to discuss such matters, and this abuse is unfortunately applicable to all strata of society. Hope this thread helps as many people as possible. Let us all stand united against this social evil.
The national lockdown has reported more than 50% rise in the domestic violence.
86% women who experience domestic violence do not seek help in India
Physical signs:
Black eyes, busted lips, red or purple marks on the neck, sprained wrists, bruises in the arm.
Emotional Signs:
Low self esteem, overly apologetic or meek, fearful, changes in sleeping or eating patterns, anxious or on edge, symptoms of depression, loss of interest in once enjoyed activity, talking about suicide.
Behavioral Signs
Becoming withdrawn or distant, cancelling appointments or meetings last minute, being late often, excessive privacy concerning their personal life, isolating themselves from friends and family