Blog 1 /52 : Hero or Zero3 min read

Blog 1/52 by Coachgeeta

Date:  Jan 6th 2020

Based on my book : The Game of Change: Chapter 1:  Hero or Zero

Your Happiness in Your Hands

Being a Zero:

What is a Zero person? You always blame others for whatever circumstance you are undergoing. You feel life is unfair and bad things happen only to you all the time. Does this sound familiar ?  Is it the story of your life?  And maybe it is justifiable. Say for example, you are the leader of the team and you have to make the presentation today. You have explained to your team members what each one has to do. I mean you have literally spoon fed them. And just one day before the presentation, when you check the PowerPoint,  you are in shock. It was nothing close to what you wanted your presentation to be, nothing close to perfection.

Do you take the responsibility?

You of-course can’t take the responsibility for the shoddy work of your team, and you blame them. You complain that you are stuck with a bad team. You become a Zero. People do not like to take responsibility for the unpleasant things and circumstances in their lives. Unfortunately this shows up as a  lack of your confidence in yourself, a lack of risk taking ability and adds to your tendency to procrastinate.

Being a Hero:

When you are able to catch yourself in such unresourceful state, and realize there is a choice, That is when change happens. Change from Zero to Hero.  Think about it this way…What could I have done differently, what was missing?  Maybe I spoon fed my team instead of being more proactive, and asking them for their input, having an open conversation where I exchange information with my team members. It makes them feel move valued.  Maybe there was no shared understanding. By being response-able, you can change the mood and energy of the team and get positive results.

Empathy in the Hero Story:

Sometimes a simple conversation, simple words with empathy, recognizing the other person’s feeling and saying sorry, or appreciating their work, hearing out other person are great tools to not only help your team, but they help you change from Zero to Hero. It brings in more lightness in a relationship . It brings in more openness, more curiosity and actually empowers you and everyone around you with the ability to bring in an attitude and mindset change in the way things are done.

95% of People Live in Victim State:

Being A victim , a Zero, is very easy and has become a fall back habit, an attitude for all of us. And it is like an almost accepted attitude. And rarely do we take the time to step back and examine this attitude and see what we can do about it. Look for opportunities here, convert every failure as a learning. It helps you to become the  hero of your life. It brings back the confidence to your life, even when sometimes you may not be able to change the circumstance. It is the courage to try that counts.

Let me leave you with this Quote by John Reyes

‘Your happiness depends on your self-reliance to take responsibility of your life, regardless of who had a hand in making it the way it is now’ It is about being the Hero in your life not the Victim’.

This is coachgeeta signing off…

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