Online Content : Increase Visibility2 min read

Our content is always close to the heart, and is aimed at sending out a beautiful message to as many people as possible. In a world filled with ready availability of a plethora of content all over the internet, I provide useful insights and tips on helping your content reach as many people as possible, in this article by experts all over the world.

Below excerpts from Barndon’s article…

‘One of the most asked questions I receive is, “What’s the best way to get people to read your content in a crowded online world?” So what I did, is reach out to recent content authors to gain their insight as they’ve already mastered their content marketing strategies.

The insider knowledge each content creator shares is magical. There’s no need to rewrite the book when there’s already a proven strategy that works. Enjoy their answers, and be sure to connect and follow them on their social channels as they can help you improve your authority and influence.’


The simplest way to get people to read your content in a crowded online world is to be really clear on WHO you’re talking to… many books, articles and pieces of content get overlooked because the writer or publisher is trying to talk with too many different audiences and isn’t laser-focused on a particular niche or a segment. If you’re incredibly clear on who you’re talking to, that will lead to much more relevant information that those types of people are likely to seek out. If I feel like you really know and understand me and all of my problems and desires, I’ll pay attention to you and filter out those who don’t speak to me as directly.’ -Brandon Schaefer

My contribution to the article:

When you become vulnerable and show up as your authentic self, sharing your life learnings and experiences as against just posting inspirational quotes and sermons, you are more likely to draw people’s attention over hundreds of thousands of material floating in this crowded online world. People are looking for an emotional connection, wanting to know and see and hear how you live your life, handle your daily stress, what you eat to stay healthy perhaps and what you do to relax.

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